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SKU: EN-L10334
iphone 6 screen protectors
Developers' opinions matter: Their enthusiasm for iOS has led to an Apple App Store brimming with utility and entertainment, and better hardware means apps that do more, work faster, and use less battery power. So a consumer hoping for app improvements could be forgiven for fretting that many coders aren't racing to build 64-bit software. The good news, though, is that even if Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller overemphasized the A7's 64-bit benefit, there's still plenty of new power in the iPhone hardware.
What's a 64-bit chip?A 64-bit chip can handle vastly larger amounts of memory than a 32-bit chip, iphone 6 screen protectors which is generally limited to 4GB, That's still more than enough for today's phones and tablets -- the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Android phone has an unusually large 3GB of RAM, but for now even 2GB is at the high end, and the iPhone 5S only has 1GB, A 64-bit chip also can do a better job handling larger numbers, But many of the A7's expected performance improvements come not because the chip is 64-bit, but because it gets a number of other features that are built into the ARMv8 chip technology that Apple licenses from ARM Holdings..
Among those features are a new set of instructions that are designed to consume less battery power; improvements to the Neon technology for speeding video, audio, and graphics calculations; built-in encryption hardware; and a doubling of the number of high-speed storage slots called registers -- both for general-purpose processing and for floating-point math. "I think the transition from 32-bit to 64-bit software will be smoother on iOS than on Windows because there is only one brand of hardware to deal with, and the Apple community is much tighter, faster-moving, and aligned," said Moor Insights analyst Patrick Moorhead.
Separately from ARMv8, Apple's design gooses graphics and speeds access to high-speed cache memory and slower main memory, Moorhead said, But all software should be able to benefit from those improvements, not just those apps running in 64-bit mode, Apple's Xcode programming tools, which already are updated to let programmers build 64-bit versions of their software, will smooth the way to 64-bit, "Development for new architectures is pretty easy on Apple platforms," because the company has had lots of practice, said Andrian Budantsov, chief technology officer of Readdle, which makes apps such as Calendars and Scanner Pro, "Apple went through more architecture transitions than any other consumer company (68000 to PowerPC to PPC64 to Intel to ARM), Xcode tries to make this process as effortless as iphone 6 screen protectors possible and there are a lot of useful tips in documentation."One drawback of 64-bit software is that software file sizes typically get larger, and that's exactly what James Thomson saw when he created his new version of the PCalc calculator app this week, The 64-bit PCalc is about 50 percent larger than the 32-bit incarnation, But building it wasn't hard..
"It took about an hour to fix a few problems," Thomson said. Theoretical improvementsSeveral developers see long-term advantages to the 64-bit shift, but not much in the near term. "This opens up the path to 4, 6, 8GB and more of memory on the phone in the future," said Dan Guy, CTO of shopping app maker Clutch. But that's far in the future. "As far as immediate impact for the iPhone 5S, we expect to see little in our app, outside of an increase in speed of the A7 chip itself, which is independent of the move to 64-bit."Added Thomson, "For an app like PCalc, you're not going to see much in the way of a performance improvement -- it's mainly UI [user interface] code. But shipping a 64-bit version is still important, because when all the apps running on the phone are 64-bit, the OS doesn't need to have any 32-bit frameworks around any more, so there will be an overall improvement. Nobody wants to be the one app dragging everything down!"One company with some insight into what developers are actually doing is uTest, which helps developers test their software on thousands of users' devices. Right now it's seeing programmers putting the priority on adapting their apps for iOS 7 -- both to iron out bugs and to bring their user interface up to date, said Matt Johnston, uTest's chief marketing and strategy officer. After that will come the 64-bit retooling, he said.
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